Travel Essentials: Warm Weather

Packing for warm weather climates guide.

Where there is sun, you need sunscreen! We love using Sun Bum because it is reef-safe and smells great. The Sun Bum Face 50 sunscreen linked here is only 3oz so you won’t lose your sunscreen through airport security! 


Cost: $12.99

Don’t forget to pack your favorite baseball hat to keep the hot sun out of your face! A hat is great for keeping your face safe from the sun and a great accessory to any outfit on a warm day. 


Cost: $29.95

Imagine you’re laying on a soft towel spread out on a sandy beach. The sun is hitting you just right and the sound of the waves crashing makes you want to fall asleep. You’re having a hard time relaxing cause you start to get so thirsty! Well, it’s a good thing you packed this 24 oz, stainless steel water bottle and filled it with ice cold water!


Cost: $24

My most recommended sandal brand is Teva. They have many fun styles to choose from and are so comfortable! If you are visiting a place with water, these are wonderful to use for water shoes. You’ll also join in with the Teva community and show off your #TevaTan, which are the cool tan lines your Teva straps leave you!


Cost: $58 – $75

If you’re going someplace warm (which I’d assume you are since you’re reading this guide) I hope there’s water nearby! Swimsuits don’t take up much space in your bag anyway, might as well bring in just in case.


Cost: $34.99

Another accessory necessity is a good pair of sunglasses! This pair is highly rated on Amazon for obvious reasons.   


Cost: $15.99

Travel Essentials: Warm Weather
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