Travel is Everything
Travel is so much more than stepping foot into a new country. It’s the journey there. It’s embracing a new culture. It’s stepping outside your comfort zone in the best way possible… it’s world travel & everything in between.
Traveling can be overwhelming and unpredictable at times. What helps ease that stress is to be able to plan and prepare for the things you can control on a travel day! Travel can be very unpredictable at times but if the things you can predict are already planned, trust me things will go much smoother.
Make travelling back home just as much of an adventure! Taking design inspiration from the properties you stay in or the streets you walk on and implementing them into your own home is one of the best ways to continually remind yourself of the beauty in the places you’ve been.
Travel can be overwhelming at times especially when you feel like you just want to see it all. The reality of it is, you can’t! But you most certainly can see A LOT.
Reminding yourself on a trip that you do what you can with the time that you have will change the way you travel. Of course we want to see all the things a new place has to offer, but remember… it’ll all still be there when you return!
If you haven’t noticed, I love to travel and help others do the same! My favorite places to travel to are typically colder climates surrounded by nature.
My journey began long before I came up with the name World Between Travel. I’ve always known I wanted to travel the world and document every bit of it! I hope you enjoy my tips & tricks to travel and find the resources here useful.