Bucket List Burnout

Mary standing on a plane that crashed in Iceland. Bucket List

What do you think of when you hear the words “Bucket List”? A bucket list may be an actual list of places you want to see or it could be a mental note of the things you want to accomplish in your life, or something else! Whatever your “bucket list” may be, I know at least one thing on that list revolves around travel.


When I was younger, I wanted nothing more than to travel but it really wasn’t in my families interest growing up. The older I got the more I had that itch to just go! If you’re high school / college age reading this, then I want you to keep reading and understand that if you want it bad enough, you will make it happen! 


I’m also going to get a little vulnerable here at the end and share with you my current bucket list!

I Haven't Seen It All, But It's On My List

Even though I’m 27 years old, I still get that overwhelming feeling of not having enough time or money to see it all! There is SO MUCH to see and experience in this world that it can become overwhelming when you’re not in the right mindset. 


Here are a few ways to help ease that anxious feeling:

1. Create Your Own Bucket List

I’m the type of person who always makes a list and it always makes me feel better. Being able to actually write down and check things off feels so accomplishing, even if it’s a simple daily task.


For your bucket list, start with places that you know for a fact you can visit soon! It could be going to a local wildlife sanctuary or visiting 1 town over that you’ve never been to before. Many times people believe bucket list items all have to be grand but in reality, you can make it however you want it!

Young Mary sitting in front of map.
This was me at the start of 2019 right before I moved away for college. I had been to 1 country outside the US and craved travel so badly! I took this map with me to hang in my dorm room and now it's on the wall next to me as I type this with lots more than 1 country pinned to it.

That's not to say the grand things don't matter too, they do!

What is something you’ve always wanted to see or do but you’ve felt an obstacle stood in your way? Research possible answers to that obstacle and focus on how you can get there! For example, I would love to deep dive in the ocean but my problem is I’m not scuba certified. A quick google search will tell me where I can find local scuba diving courses with information like cost and course length.


If you aren’t much of a list maker, try one of these techniques:


  • Print photos of the places you want to see or of the things you want to do and compile them into a notebook
  • Break out some watercolors and paint your bucket “list”
  • Create a “Bucket List” Pinterest board and save pins that inspire you

2. Make Travel a Priority

Furthermore, it’s important to keep your bucket list at the forefront of your mind! When you make travel a priority, it naturally becomes part of your life. What do I mean by that?


Here’s how to make travel a top priority:


  • Make travel a part of your budget
  • Keep reading articles like this one (research)
  • Talk about it with others
  • Find your community that has travel as a similar interest
  • Decorate with images of places or experiences on your bucket list
  • Write down each month for the whole year where you want to go 

3. Remind Yourself  – “I‘ll Be Back”

When you’re on a trip and start to feel an immense amount of pressure because you just don’t have enough time to see it all, remind yourself that you can always come back! All because you’ve gone there once doesn’t mean you can’t visit again. You can’t go on every ride at Disney World but you most certainly can come back for more.

The most important part of your bucket list is BELIEVING in it! Look how far you have already come. The world is patiently waiting for you!

as of February 20, 2024


 Go on a Safari in Africa

– Get scuba certified

– Stay in an over the water bungalow in the Maldives

– Spend a weekend in Upstate New York

– Visit Queenstown, New Zealand

– Go to the National Aquarium

– Fill my passport before it expires

– See all 50 United States

– Take a roadtrip to Florida

– Have my travel photos featured in a magazine

– Spend a month traveling around Asia


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