Must-Have Travel Apps

Must-Have Travel Apps!

There are many currency converter apps available to download but I have felt that this specific app has worked best! While in another country that uses a different currency than what you’re used to, this app quickly converts it. It’s a simple app and very easy to use. All you do is input the number amount you’d like to convert, select the current currency then select your desired currency, and confirm! For example, if I put in 10 USD and choose to convert it to Euros it will tell me that 10 USD = 9.18 Euros.     


My Currency Converter & Rates is Free to download on Apple and Android


Furthermore, these are just some apps that I highly recommend having when traveling! Of course, there are many more that come in handy, but these are a great start to cover your bases. I have realized that as you go along your travels, you’ll add and remove many apps but these 5 always remain! A few other apps I would recommend would be:


Must-Have Travel Apps
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